GALILEO PRODUCTIONS, LLC---an award winning media production company that spans over a 20 year course of servicing the publics needs.
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Friday, December 6, 2013
Enhancing the Presentation-The Virtual Experience-Create a Happening
Some of you indie filmmakers out there might be working diligently into your third phase of production from concept and are now shooting and preparing to edit productions that will be aired or seen regionally or even perhaps nationally/internationally. May I suggest that we not lose sight of the virtual experience of presenting our films and projects. May I suggest that we again begin to take into consideration the VIRTUAL aspect of screening a production in lieu of the space or the place where it might be seen. IE: FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION....What kind of additional production are you planning for when you air or screen your film? What kind of space will the production be shown in? Who is your audience? Will it be seen on a television screen/film theater or someone's cell phone at best? How can we enhance the end users EXPERIENCE that surrounds them when the production airs, webcasts, or even transmits to a cell phone?
Consider the virtual rides of Disney in Florida and California and you might get a better idea as to how to produce a project that will have better IMPACT....Influence....saturation and most important, remembrance by the viewer, end user.
When considering any production, you might want to think of it completely backwards starting from the end user and working your way to the beginning to enable yourself to create an EXPERIENCE that will enhance the way a production will be realized.
I present to you virtual ideas that can astonish and help any production air better and send along a clear message if we can CONTROL the enviornment in which it is presented. Disney was a master at this in regards to creating rides that involved settings, places that matched what was mise en scene---Placement of a film project that involves hospital patients might lend itself to creating a place or showing the film in a hospital setting? Perhaps creating a hospital setting in a theater that is showing a hospital or medical film?
Horror films like THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE once used this technique effectively by placing an actor into the audience wearing the exact garb that the films central character whore while running down the aisles touting a toy chainsaw and scaring the audience into deeper submission than the film portrayed itself.
Create an enviornment that induces the central theme of the project. Remember ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW? Audience members acted out the film on stage while the film played. Use of "stooges" or audience plants that are cued to react to certain moments in your film can also lend something new to a film EXPERIENCE. Remember that remembering a project by an audience member is part of the main attraction.
Ushers dressed as doctors for a medical film or concierges dressed as soldiers for a war film add suspended height in making the film a reality that may have initially just been created using pen and story boards at the on-set. This becomes harder with cell phone technology personalizing the experience even more, however, a carefully placed actor or object or sign while a person watches an advertisement on their cell phone could lend itself to better individual experiences....It's much trickier when you must direct this message to a mass audience. You will remember!
Does art mimic reality or reality mimic art? That line is becoming more and more blurred as we enter into a technologically advanced world that almost allows us to do just about anything.
The more real your project, the more people will remember....just don't kill anyone in the process...
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
IMPACT: Jewish Boxers in America
WATCH THE TRAILER: IMPACT: Jewish Boxers in America--
Click on below:
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Stop The Hatred---It Never Ends and We Must Not Let History Repeat Itself
I was a victim of the knockout game
November 23, 2013 | 10:14pm
Photography intern Israel Blizovsky had just finished taking pictures at a Crown Heights engagement party when a hulking teen he was passing on the sidewalk cold-cocked him without warning.
“He was very strong. I was in shock,” said the 19-year-old from Beersheva, Israel. “I saw a large group of black teenagers coming. I moved to the side to let them pass. Then, all of a sudden, when I was passing right next to them, I felt a punch in the face.
“They just kept walking. They were all laughing,” he told The Post through a Hebrew translator. “They said something right after he punched me, but I don’t understand English. It looked like they were making fun of me.”
Blizovsky, whose tooth was chipped by the blow, is one of at least six Jewish people who have been attacked as part of a “knockout game” in the three weeks leading to the start of Hanukkah Wednesday, Brooklyn leaders said.
The brutal game — sometimes called “polar bear hunting” — has been on the rise across the country, with bystanders, usually white, suckerpunched for sport by black youths.
In Brooklyn, religious Jews appear to be the targets.
Fueled by Internet videos of the beatings, “knockout” attacks have also been reported in Chicago, Hoboken and Lansing, Mich.
In Jersey City, a 46-year-old man died in September after a sucker punch sent his head into an iron fence.
Blizovsky, who stands 5-foot-2 and weighs less than 100 pounds, was working for the COLlive community-news Web site and carrying a Nikon D600 camera when he was assaulted on Crown Street Nov. 14 at 9:30 p.m.
The gang, he said, ignored his expensive equipment.
“They didn’t look deprived,” Blizovsky said. “They didn’t look poor. They just looked like they wanted entertainment.”
Asked why he thinks he was targeted, he said: “[Jews] look gentle. We look like we won’t fight back.”
Local rabbis, witnesses and victims say there have been at least eight unprovoked attacks on Jews in Crown Heights, Midwood and Borough Park since Oct. 11, with six after Nov. 6.
Early Friday, an Orthodox Jew was jumped by four thugs after he heard them yapping about “knockout.”
“One of them stepped out towards me and, with a closed fist, hits me in the face,” said Shmuel Perl, 24.
“As I was able to walk away from them, they called after me, ‘Come back. I can do this. I will knock you out.’ ”
One man was arrested on charges of assault and aggravated harassment as bias crimes in the attack.
On Nov. 9, a 78-year-old Midwood woman was socked in the back of the head while pushing her great-granddaughter’s stroller on Avenue L and East Fifth Street. Fearing a repeat, she hasn’t left her home since.
“It’s scary,” her son-in-law said. “You’re 78, and someone hits you with a closed fist with all their might.”
The NYPD said it was aware of seven of the eight attacks.
“Our Hate Crimes Task Force is investigating these incidents,” a spokesman said. “There have been increased patrols in the 71st Precinct” in Crown Heights.
Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said Friday, “We are trying to determine if [the knockout game] is a real phenomenon . . . We have to be concerned about when you highlight an incident or a type of criminality, some people will simply try to copy.”
An NYPD source said he expects the department to “downplay the incidents.”
“Look, we’re at the end of the road,” he said. “All [Kelly] has to do is run out the clock the next five weeks. The last thing anyone wants is a major racial eruption in the last five weeks of the administration.”
Barry Sugar, head of the Jewish Leadership Council, says he has been asking Mayor Bloomberg and Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio for help with anti-Jewish attacks since August to no avail.
“We were concerned that the candidates weren’t aware of what was happening,” he told The Post. “We made several attempts to reach out to Mr. de Blasio, but our overtures were not met with any kind of response.”
As for Blizovsky, who returns to Israel Monday, he vowed to be “more prepared” for his next visit to the Big Apple.
“I’ll bring a Taser.”
Additional reporting by Gary Buiso and Brad Hamilton
GALILEO PRODUCTIONS-Media Masters for the New Millenium-Available for all your media needs
Complete Media Services
Saturday, November 23, 2013
A Letter to My Magician Brothers of SAM 161
Dear Norm and my Brothers of SAM 161:
Tonight, Monday evening we performed at the Robert Woods Johnson PEDS ward in New Brunswick where we performed for various children on the ward sharing our gift of magic with numerous children who are finding it difficult in their hearts to have hope. We conducted a Mitzvah unlike any other gift that I've been able to perform throughout my long career as a filmmaker and fellow Magician. Tonight was truly magical.
I had had a converstation with Norman just the other night on the phone and I'd like to share with you all my brothers of magic what we discussed. Many years ago, I too was sitting on a psych ward in Greystone Hospital and many other psych wards throughout the northern regions of New Jersey....wondering and thinking..."Does anyone really care? Does anyone really love anymore?" Tonight, I was reassurred by YOU my brothers in Magic that our work as magicians is only JUST BEGINNING.....because any little glimmer of hope we can spread through the magic we perform WILL and DOES make a difference in the lives of so many people we touch. I only wish that this kind of program was around many years ago when I suffered from mental health issues on a psych ward and the only perscription doctors had in their hearts to cure was by giving me a new medication, finding a new drug that might bring an end to my mental health woes. Tonight, MAGIC was the the MAGIC bullet, the cure, the hope, the way for all of us to bring just a small smile to a child in need and it made me realize that THIS IS WHAT WE ARE ON THIS EARTH TO DO....THIS IS OUR MISSION, THIS IS OUR PURPOSE.....MAGIC can bring about change, hope and cures for so many people just by sharing it with other people. Tonight we were all Merlins....Tonight, we were all BATMAN's....Tonight, the moon shined on all of us with illustrious glow.....Let's all try and give as much support to Norm and his mission of hope visits to Lyons, RWJ and any other hospital that Norm brings forward to each of us and remember the old motto from ROTARY...SERVICE ABOVE SELF.....It's times like this that we can all make a difference. Thank you Norm for allowing me to be part of this tremendous evening....
Hope to see you all on the magical yellow brick road as we look for our own personel OZ's within the hearts of so many children.
Magically and for all of us...MUM....
I remain,
James Ford Nussbaum
Friday, November 22, 2013
Healing with Magic
The Healing of Magic
James Ford Nussbaum GALILEO
Come with us as we explore something
different….Something that will amaze you….Something that will bring back your
inner child…It’s magical.
Galileo Productions is beginning yet another quest to bring you exciting and
enriching programming…Television programming that not only educates but
challenges your mind to think and continue to care. Explore the healing power of magic as we set
out on a journey of intrigue and enlightenment.
The never ending power of magic will bring you back to your best
childhood memories while showing you how it can enrich and bring hospitalized
children new hope and inspiration. This
is not just a journey into the depths of another film exploration. Healing with Magic will share with audiences
the nuances and steps in bringing back hope into the lives of children and
young adults as we travel regionally to some of New Jersey’s leading hospitals
with renowned magicians spreading the hope and healing power of an age old
craft. Say goodbye to antiquated
medications and medicinal remedies that have polluted and staggered the healing
process for decades. Healing with Magic
will share with audiences the power of how we cope and use positive messages to
find ways in which we all can find hope and recovery through the simple powers
of the magic wand.
What will make Healing with Magic even
more special is the people that are associated with the project. Producers of this program have not only
observed firsthand how magic has healed they’ve lived the horrors of being
debilitated mentally and physically during their own personal journey’s. Producers have been on the inside of the
patient experience living lives that were once filled with medications and long
stays on psychiatric units at local hospitals.
The producers journey’s have not just found magic as a new healing
process that will bring hope into viewers lives, they’ve lived the horrors of
not having any other way to find hope and mental-physical resolution in a
medical world that only knows healing through the power of the pill and leaves
out the power of healing through the mind.
Our team has found magic as a new form of healing bringing hope to the
subjects who have been plagued for sometimes years with debilitating diseases
that nothing else has been able to cure.
If you are looking for a new way to
look at medical cures and open to the suggestive power of the mind, look no
further. Healing with Magic will bring
new light onto old methods of medicine explaining and exploring how the craft
can heal our inner selves and find new dimensions in
bringing about medical and mental
cures for those who have lost hope, lost salvation and are ready to turn to the
magic of healing through the craft of mysticism. Come along and enjoy the
journey. You might just find your own magical answers
to age old questions while discovering medical miracles.Sunday, November 17, 2013
Reprinted from a Ron Baker article posted on LINKEDIN....We just wanted to share this and appologize if we haven't saught Mr. Baker's permission....
The Disney Approach to Customer Loyalty: Creating
Service That Keeps Your Customers Coming Back:
Reprinted from a LINKEDIN BLOG by Ron Baker.
--a professional development program offered at the Disney Institute. In this post, we'll conclude with some of the more important lessons I learned.
To err is human, and Disney is no exception. Anytime you have 86,000 Guests wandering around 30,000+ acres—an area twice the size of Manhattan—you are sure to encounter service problems. How you handle those problems when they arise has a dramatic influence on whether or not a Guest will return.
Disney has given its front-line Cast Members the empowerment they need to rectify any Guest’s particular problem, since the front line is usually the one closest to the Guest and best equipped to deal with them.
It’s well known that customers’ intent to return will increase dramatically if they encounter a problem, and the problem is resolved immediately to their satisfaction. Marriott has discovered the following regarding a customer’s likelihood to return in each scenario:
- No problems encountered during stay—89%
- Had a problem during stay, and it was not corrected to customer’s satisfaction—69%
- Had a problem during stay, and it was corrected to customer’s satisfaction—94%
This is precisely why customer complaints are such valuable kernels of information and wonderful opportunities to increase customer loyalty and goodwill.
During the Customer Loyalty course, an amusing incident occurred to one of the participants. On a break, he sat down on a bench outside of the classroom. When he got up, he noticed his pants were soaked—apparently, the victim of a nearby sprinkler. Just as he was wondering what to do, a Disney Cast Member passed by and asked him how it was going. He said fine, “but don’t sit on that bench.” When the Cast Member asked why not, he showed him his soaking-wet pants.
Instantly, the Cast Member made a call from his cell phone and a hair dryer was delivered. The Cast Member then proceeded to take the participant into the bathroom and blow-dry his pants. This story became somewhat of a legend in the class, but it is typical of Disney’s approach to Guests’ problems. They spend an enormous amount of time on educating the front line to take ownership of the Guest’s problem and correct it immediately. The payoff is enormous.
In any service business, you will encounter problems in dealing with people—zero defects is not an attainable goal. If you go the extra mile in correcting these problems, you will earn increased loyalty and goodwill among your customers. They will remember the satisfying outcome long after the original error has been forgotten.
In fact, most extraordinary service experiences you hear about deal with a service recovery issue and not about a company “getting it right the first time.” I’m not advocating that you deliberately make mistakes, only that you give your associates complete ownership of customer problems and the authority to correct them.

He gave us a tour of both resorts as if he owned them. He pointed out details that I’m sure the average guest would never notice. Features like alabaster lighting, marble stone from the sea that houses the world globe as you enter the lobby, an antique boat docked by the lake, etc.
If you’ve ever been to Disneyland or Walt Disney World, I’m sure you’ve noticed the fanatical attention to detail. Visit multiple times and you will notice something different each time, even if you visit the same places. I began wondering about why they do this, especially if the average Guest never notices or appreciates it.
For instance, in the Hall of Presidents, where they have Audio-Animatronic figures of all 42 president of the United States, the Seal of the United States is in the lobby. There are only three Seals on display in public in the country—it took an Act of Congress to authorize Disney to display it. In the show, FDR is wearing leg braces, and Bill Clinton has on an Ironman Timex watch.
It occurred to me after meeting Steve: Disney does it not so much for the Guests, but for the Cast Members. Steve said at the end of his tour: “I care about this place because they do” (meaning the company). How many associates in businesses around the country take that type of pride in their workplace and work?
On the last day of the course, our field experience was a trip to the Magic Kingdom to see theLegend of the Lion King puppet show. The puppets in this show are specially made and cost between $23,000 and $79,000 each. They have been modified many times, as Disney discovered that the audience will react with more emotion if the puppet can roll its head and blink its eyes. The Cast Member who gave us the tour again displayed the same pride in ownership of the entire show that Steve had displayed at the resort.
After the show, which is excellent and left most of the audience in tears, our group was discussing the emotional impact of the performance—the music, the reactions of children in the audience, etc. Karen, one of our facilitators, made perhaps the most poignant point: “That’s my company that did that!”
Cast Members all understand how their work—no matter how menial it may seem—contributes to the overall happiness of the Guest experience.
I challenge you to walk around your company and ask your associates why they work there? Do they all have a single-minded dedication to a shared purpose? Do they understand how their jobs contribute to the success of your customers? If more firms had associates who were totally dedicated to their customers, morale would be higher, firm profits would be higher, and jobs more secure.
Most companies invest in “training,” but such training tends to focus on the technical aspects of the job, not the human elements of taking care of the customer. Then we wonder why staff morale is so low and turnover so high. I’ve heard executives say that they don’t want to invest in educating their associates, since they then will become more skilled and eventually leave and become a competitor. I ask: But what if you don’t train them and they stay?
Before we can win the hearts and minds of our customers, we first must win the hearts and minds of our associates. The way we treat them is the way they will treat our customers.
According to Mike Vance (former Dean of Disney University) and Diane Deacon, in their book,Break out of the Box, “cultures that engage in the most original thinking leave behind the richest legacies.” They offer the following areas that will help your organization “establish (or reestablish) a creative culture in your workplace”:
- Your special traditions—your standards, values, what you uphold consistently
- Your rituals—routines and ceremonies that make your firm unique
- Your symbols and language—logos, terminology, or ways of communicating that set you apart and help inspire people to high levels of achievement
- Your special ways of celebrating victories—Do you celebrate achievement and reward success rather than just punish failure?
- Your work habits—How do people work? Must they work that way? Are your rules too rigid to allow flexible time or working from a home or virtual office?
This is perhaps the one idea that Disney’s Professional Development Programs will make you realize more than any other—the difference lies in the culture. What standards and values do we have? What behavior do we expect and what behavior will we not tolerate? What is the shared vision of the company?
You simply won’t motivate people with a zero-defects campaign, or profit and return on investment goals. True leadership requires that you offer people a vision of a preferred future. Martin Luther King, Jr. didn’t say from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, “I have quarterly objectives!”
In the Spring 1997 edition of Disney Magazine, I read a letter from a parent that sums up the entire Customer Loyalty course and epitomizes the Disney approach to creating Guests for life:
I brought my three-year-old daughter, Merri, to Disney World in September 1996. She asked me every day if she could meet Peter Pan. The only place that we saw him was in the afternoon parade at the Magic Kingdom. We asked every person that was escorting the characters if Peter would be appearing anywhere, and day after day the answer was no. On the fourth day, we met a man named Toby at the character festival tent. He made a special arrangement for Merri to meet Peter after the parade. We went to City Hall, and they took us to a room behind the counter. When we opened the door, a dream came true for Merri. She ran right up to Peter Pan and jumped into his lap. She was so amazed that she didn’t say anything for about 15 minutes. He talked to her the whole time. Then, he told her that they would go get into some trouble. He took her by the hand down Main Street to Peter Pan’s Flight, and rode it with her, narrating all the way through. Then he took her to Cinderella’s Castle and said good-bye. He spent about 30 minutes with her and made a wonderful dream come true. I know we will always remember the magic.”
Not only will she remember the magic, she’ll become a customer for life, bringing her kids and grandkids to Walt Disney World many times. How much did it cost Disney to create that type of loyalty? Where is that captured on an income statement or balance sheet? Was it efficient or effective? What is the value of Merri as a customer for generations to come?
Pick up a business book today and you’ll most likely read about loyalty being dead—the average customer only stays for five years, the average associate only stays for four years, and so on. I disagree. If you observe human behavior—again the revealed preference—you will discover that people, by and large, are very loyal to their spouses, families, neighborhoods, schools, churches, synagogues, and the nonprofit institutions where many volunteer.
No, loyalty is not dead in the business world. What’s dead is a reason to be loyal. You must earn customer loyalty. You have to invest in the relationship, not just satisfy existing needs.
You must move your organization from the Passive (satisfaction-based) to the Interactive (commitment-based) side of the Customer Relationship Scale and develop a long-term relationship with your customers. That is how Disney creates “Moments of Magic” and superior financial results. And you can do it, too.
2013 Copyright...Ron Baker, LINKEDIN...
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
LIVE STREAMING FINDS A NEW INNOVATOR-SSPI Future Leaders Dinner, New York, November 12, 2013
DIGITHEAD Visits Society of Satellite Professionals International at NY's Penn Club
November 12, 2013: NEW YORK: The Society of Satellite Professionals International brought many of it's leaders together tonight at the New York Penn Club honoring Max Haot, Founder and CEO, LIVESTREAM a fairly new player and innovator in the world of video streaming. SSPI held it's dinner tonight under the lamp lights of the distinguished universities dining room to boast and honor Haot because of his dedication and foresight to find a new and cost effective ways to stream video over the internet without cumbersome technology that prices out video laymen making it small enough and usable without a computer. The box that his company LIVESTREAM manufactures has been lauded as the #12 fastest growing private business in the US by INC Magazine and named to Forbes' Most Promising Companies in America. Haot's innovation technology can be used to stream live events including sports and media created stagings live through his phenomenon and is likely to change the way we view sports, news and other live events. LIVESTREAM claims to have over 30 million viewers and his technology has been swooped up by companies like Verizon.
The Belgium born Haot began his career in London at IMG interactive design where he became diverse and well educated in television building large scale web sites for some of the largest sporting events in the world-amazingly in real time.
SSPI, Executive Director Robert Bell called Haot a video technology pioneer bringing to the forefront capability that has before only been possible using Tricaster techology or even USTREAM for affordable live webcasts. Bell and the host of speakers throughout the evening were all congratulatory on Haot's independent spirit and were continually amazed at the fact that he comes to the forefront without a formal higher degree education using his experience in the field as his background for breaking new ground.
LIVESTEAM was founded in 2007 ( and continues to bring live events to the internet via YOUTUBE and other live feed sources. LIVESTREAM is also yet another new generation business that still continues to use satellite technology to expand it's footprint and deliver quality video that's easily accessible.
November 12, 2013: NEW YORK: The Society of Satellite Professionals International brought many of it's leaders together tonight at the New York Penn Club honoring Max Haot, Founder and CEO, LIVESTREAM a fairly new player and innovator in the world of video streaming. SSPI held it's dinner tonight under the lamp lights of the distinguished universities dining room to boast and honor Haot because of his dedication and foresight to find a new and cost effective ways to stream video over the internet without cumbersome technology that prices out video laymen making it small enough and usable without a computer. The box that his company LIVESTREAM manufactures has been lauded as the #12 fastest growing private business in the US by INC Magazine and named to Forbes' Most Promising Companies in America. Haot's innovation technology can be used to stream live events including sports and media created stagings live through his phenomenon and is likely to change the way we view sports, news and other live events. LIVESTREAM claims to have over 30 million viewers and his technology has been swooped up by companies like Verizon.
The Belgium born Haot began his career in London at IMG interactive design where he became diverse and well educated in television building large scale web sites for some of the largest sporting events in the world-amazingly in real time.
SSPI, Executive Director Robert Bell called Haot a video technology pioneer bringing to the forefront capability that has before only been possible using Tricaster techology or even USTREAM for affordable live webcasts. Bell and the host of speakers throughout the evening were all congratulatory on Haot's independent spirit and were continually amazed at the fact that he comes to the forefront without a formal higher degree education using his experience in the field as his background for breaking new ground.
LIVESTEAM was founded in 2007 ( and continues to bring live events to the internet via YOUTUBE and other live feed sources. LIVESTREAM is also yet another new generation business that still continues to use satellite technology to expand it's footprint and deliver quality video that's easily accessible.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
October 27th, 2013, Sunday at 1:30PM---Come see a FREE screening of IMPACT-Jewish Boxers in America at the Springfield Free Public Library,
66 Mountain Avenue Springfield, NJ 07081
Producer/Director James Ford Nussbaum will answer questions and lead a discussion about the topic directly after the films showing. Admission is FREE. Copies of the film on DVD will be available.
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Contact us if you want to learn more about competitive rates and world
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NJ right outside of New York. Record with the best. Contact
jnussbaum@galileoproductions.c om to learn more....973-328-1163
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Assisting our Brothers and Sisters Down The Jersey Shore--THE GRIPWEEDS
August 2013, Randolph, NJ: Never before has New Jersey needed some type of help from local artists then what has occurred down the Jersey Shore after the devastation from Hurricane Sandy. Never before, since 9/11 have New Jersey artists and bands come together to unite in support of the Jersey Shore in producing MY HOMETOWN, a compilation CD dedicated to assisting in providing much needed financial support to those impacted by the lethal storm. I was fortunate enough to have worked with some amazing artists like the GRIPWEEDS earlier this July while shooting down in Asbury Park at the Old VFW Hal Daley Hall where we shot this tribute video to the KNICKERBOCKERS song "LIES" during one sunny afternoon in Springsteen's old stomping grounds. What an honor and privledge it was to work with these lads and lassies from Highland Park. Rick and Kurt and the gang are true professionals and made the entire day of shooting with my crew of Kyle and Caroline an amazing and creatively supportive day of making their vision a reality. We hope you enjoy the video and pass it along to friends. It will not only help spread the word of support for our brothers and sisters down the Jersey Shore but will also bring awareness to how much help is needed down in south Jersey and give those in need some extra glimmer of hope that help is on the matter how long it takes to turn around. Hang in their New Jersey. Artists and musicians are with you 100% of the way. Stay tuned for more upcoming show announcements for the band as they kick off their new album tour up in South Western Massachussetts at the APPLE SQUEEZE shows. A splendid time is guaranteed for all.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
What to Do About the Weiner?
There's an old theory from the southern states when it comes to insane personalities and politics. The Southerners always comment, "When some one's crazy up north, you tend to hide them away, silence them and shut them down into a solitary box.....Well hell, down South when we have someone who's crazy.....we show them off." This Southern interpretation may be the right antidote for handling an isolated case like the Anthony Weiner scandal. Here is a man with a sincere sexual problem that doesn't seem to want to answer honestly what he's been doing behind webcams and social media. He's finally come clean. He's a man not many trust when it comes to how he handles his own weiner and time and time again we're reminded of this man's improprieties and sexual misconduct. Yet the man has tenacity of an attack dog not bowing down to public scrutiny and demanding more than his 15 seconds of fame hoping the public will give him a second chance. It is clear that his social improprieties have betrayed the public's trust. But he continues to demand his run for public office. What will become of this disgraced politician? We've seen the likes of his kind from Kennedy's to Clinton's while serving in office and the public has grown up quite a bit by forgiving and accepting that most of our public officials are human and not some Marvel comic superhero that must be perfect in every which way there is. We've come to learn that the public officials we elect are not supermen but human beings with flaws and imperfections.
Whatever is to become of Anthony Weiner is soon to be determined but I believe the public should decide whether this feebled phallic should be given a second chance to run for public office. He's already attempted to handle his improprieties in private but believes that he is ready to return to the public eye. It certainly sells newspapers and keeps the political arena interesting.
Let the people decide on the fate of Anthony Weiner once and for all and allow him to run. It will certainly be a test of the people on how we gauge the frivolities of our public officials to see if we believe they can still serve the public's interest even though they may have many faults. Hey, if he doesn't want to be locked away in hiding and wants all his dirty laundry revealed, then I say let him run. Let the public decide whether our tolerance level for faulty politicians should be lowered even more from Clinton and Kennedy inappropriateness and see if they have any ounce left of civil servant capability to serve the public in a way that will be productive and tolerable. The man has already stepped forward and exposed himself covering all the basis of crisis managagement public relations 101 tactics. Let's try and hear if there are any saving graces of what other aspects of his career that might be salvageable. Anthony....Lay off your Weiner for a moment and tell us what you'll do next in office.
Whatever is to become of Anthony Weiner is soon to be determined but I believe the public should decide whether this feebled phallic should be given a second chance to run for public office. He's already attempted to handle his improprieties in private but believes that he is ready to return to the public eye. It certainly sells newspapers and keeps the political arena interesting.
Let the people decide on the fate of Anthony Weiner once and for all and allow him to run. It will certainly be a test of the people on how we gauge the frivolities of our public officials to see if we believe they can still serve the public's interest even though they may have many faults. Hey, if he doesn't want to be locked away in hiding and wants all his dirty laundry revealed, then I say let him run. Let the public decide whether our tolerance level for faulty politicians should be lowered even more from Clinton and Kennedy inappropriateness and see if they have any ounce left of civil servant capability to serve the public in a way that will be productive and tolerable. The man has already stepped forward and exposed himself covering all the basis of crisis managagement public relations 101 tactics. Let's try and hear if there are any saving graces of what other aspects of his career that might be salvageable. Anthony....Lay off your Weiner for a moment and tell us what you'll do next in office.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Remembering Rodney King--Public Relations from police officers?--Shame on ABC
After viewing a recent ABC News 20/20 story on an ex military man that defended himself against oncoming neighbors with a gun because he wanted them to quiet down in his neighborhood because of the loud Kerioke noises that were coming from their home and eventually shot one of the men that came on to him in an attempt to beat him up; I'm reminded of the Rodney King beatings that took place years ago in LA. I reported the story for Geraldo Rivera's NOW IT CAN BE TOLD in the 1980's.
ABC News may have missed the boat on this story by not interviewing police officials who the military man had called numerous amounts of time to help him quiet down a neighborhood. Shame on Chris Cuomo who made no attempts in his report to contact and interview law officials that were called but never appeared on the scene until afterwards when one school teacher was shot and killed.
Police officials have a thankless job of defending our communities and soil in times of crisis and with the recent Boston Bombing suspects having been swift-fully apprehended and brought to justice in Boston, we must remember that police are people too and have been in the past wrangled for going above the law and not acting properly when faced with an adverse situation.
I covered Rodney King many years ago and remember the fact that Daryl Gates, Police Chief for the LA Police Department at the time called his team of police officers, "THE G-D SQUAD" sometimes acting and considering themselves ABOVE THE LAW....With the rage of adequate police work that has occurred in Boston following the Boston Bomber attacks, we must remember that police can brutally use their powers above the law in defending our freedoms and keeping us safe if we don't speak out. It is up to the media at times to watchdog how and why police act and work while on the job. Otherwise we may be headed down the road towards becoming an overly regulated police state that allows law enforcement officials to take the law into their own hands going to extremes. I witnessed this first hand while working as an investigative reporter. Who watches the police? We all should and in general I still believe they mostly do their jobs well, however public opinion still dictates what might happen to individuals in a court of law. It's up to all of us to ask questions and make healthy rational choices.
ABC News may have missed the boat on this story by not interviewing police officials who the military man had called numerous amounts of time to help him quiet down a neighborhood. Shame on Chris Cuomo who made no attempts in his report to contact and interview law officials that were called but never appeared on the scene until afterwards when one school teacher was shot and killed.
Police officials have a thankless job of defending our communities and soil in times of crisis and with the recent Boston Bombing suspects having been swift-fully apprehended and brought to justice in Boston, we must remember that police are people too and have been in the past wrangled for going above the law and not acting properly when faced with an adverse situation.
I covered Rodney King many years ago and remember the fact that Daryl Gates, Police Chief for the LA Police Department at the time called his team of police officers, "THE G-D SQUAD" sometimes acting and considering themselves ABOVE THE LAW....With the rage of adequate police work that has occurred in Boston following the Boston Bomber attacks, we must remember that police can brutally use their powers above the law in defending our freedoms and keeping us safe if we don't speak out. It is up to the media at times to watchdog how and why police act and work while on the job. Otherwise we may be headed down the road towards becoming an overly regulated police state that allows law enforcement officials to take the law into their own hands going to extremes. I witnessed this first hand while working as an investigative reporter. Who watches the police? We all should and in general I still believe they mostly do their jobs well, however public opinion still dictates what might happen to individuals in a court of law. It's up to all of us to ask questions and make healthy rational choices.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
All apologies to those following my blog as it's been sometime since my last entry. Interesting news on the horizon for those passionate about the game of Ultimate Frisbee...some know it as Frisbee football...others just consider it an interesting past time to play while sunning on the beaches of Jersey....but I must awaken some of you all to a young and what seems to be savvy group of baby boomers who are making headway into transitioning the sport of Ultimate Frisbee to the next level of high stakes sports events that has been a popular past time on college campuses nationwide for sometime. The fairly new league Major League Ultimate or MLU has been organizing a new league that consists of teams from New York, Boston and Philadelphia. You might remember a half hour documentary my company produced on the history of Ultimate Frisbee that profiled and explored the rich history of the sport and it's origins at Columbia High School in Maplewood, NJ (my Alma Mater) back in 2005....WOW!...How this sport has grown since it's inceptions from the late 60's early 70's in a parking lot at the HS where most people played the sport on asphalt during wintery nights lit up by incandescent lights that made any evening play seem like you were in some kind of misty rain storm....The game has evolved and if this league can overcome so many of the legal hurdles that are out there in establishing who owns the rights to the game and where the money is going to go if it becomes as Mr. Joel Silver (one of the original creators of the sport) once explained to my cameras, "The next Monday Night FRISBEE" sport, which he could never have dreamed would evolve to such a level as it has become today, you might find some big players investing their money into developing it into something that surely could and will take off...I just returned from covering one of the games in Union City New Jersey that had roughly 500 people in the crowd on a beautiful spring Saturday. The crowd was enthusiastic and hyped and even ready to see this game go to a new level. They certainly all "got it" and enjoyed the game with a passionate understanding but will this MLU survive and will there be money to make in the long haul knowing that there are already organizations promoting the sport quietly with chairmanships and board members overseeing the direction of many disc sports not excluding Frisbee disc golf and games like "Guts" and "Freestyle" which add a more graceful art of balancing the Frisbee disc into tricks and acrobatic moves that make your heart pump? The jury is still out on this one but be assured that if the Major League Ultimate organization fails into promoting the sport like the big three, NBA, NFL and MLB you can be assured that there will be others to follow picking up the slack where the MLU might fail if it comes to that. Don't get me wrong, I'm a skeptic through and through but the next revolution in sports might be coming up soon in determining whether the founders of the sport can keep this league flying into the homes and living rooms of potential fans....This might be the Ultimate turning point for the sport....Stay tuned...There's also suppose to be a new documentary on all of the intricacies and innovations of the sport coming to the US from filmmakers in Germany....It's already a world wide phenomenon....
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Discovery and Copyright Violation-Galileo Media Arts
COPYRIGHT INFRINGERS--Galileo Media Arts, Saratoga Springs, New York.
It never ceases to amaze me that even though we have creative people and companies on the world wide web, there are those who persist in trying to outskirt the law and violate copyright regulations. Case in point, Galileo Media Arts out of Saratoga Springs, New York which has time and time again not heeded US copyright warnings and produced commercial videos that are in violation of the law. My company Galileo Productions has been in existence for over 20 years and has followed all the rules when it comes to USPTO regulations. We've worked hard to establish a brand that is not misleading to the public and made sure to register our brand and company federally with USPTO out of Washington, DC. Galileo Media Arts makes a point of violating these laws by using the name GALILEO without taking any care in finding out if their brand is registered nationally and has not followed the same rules that every law abiding citizen of the US is responsible for doing. Should we let this company get away with breaking the law? If you care enough about your own personal and public freedoms, boycott their website and send a message that companies who care follow the rules. Shouldn't they play by the same rules that we all do? Law breakers should be punished.
James Ford Nussbaum
Executive Producer
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