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Monday, April 23, 2012

Computer Insurance Is A Must....

Now that I've completely become artistically dependendent on the internet I must suggest that you get a good team of people behind you to make sure you have some kind of fall back when it comes to computer assistance in times of need during a computer crash.  I tried using a local vendor for computer support called TONI'S TECH'S located out of the Morris County, New Jersey area.  The owner who goes by the name of TONI BENNET, (no relation to the singer) how ironic, sent over a technician to service my system and was clueless in their efforts on servicing the machine.  They did arrive timely at my office and came by to service the system, took the box and then left.  After just hours, the machine was returned without any service conducted on the box.  The technician was clueless and I'm still scrambling to get my team together in the right way so we can move forward.  On top of that, they gave me an attitude that was not at all condusive to good business practices...Lesson learned....but here's some good advice people....

Establish a decent repoire with local insurance companies that can supply you with good data recovery policies when you're in your darkest hours.  Insurance companies offer up various policies that can protect you from a computer crash and help you rebuild your systems when the time is right.  We have protection when it comes to this problem and I whole heartedly suggest checking into a policy that will cover you in this kind of disaster.  The policies are out there.  Do the homework and plan for the future even if the future holds some unexpected disasters out there for you to endure and learn from.  Share your stories and hopefully we can help others survive through some of these unexpected nightmares.

Safe surfing!!  Have a great week people....Machines have their pitfall just like us.  The survivors will endure.  Those of us who use innovative ideas will survive THE HORRORS....



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